  • CounterKick

    Kick the sh*t out of bad form and fight your way towards phenomenal fitness with a training session that gets you sweating from head to toe. With heavy bag boxing, kicking and combat-style HIIT, punch up the power, agility and speed you need to bout in style. Goodbye Bruce Banner. Hello Bruce Lee. BYO gloves.

    TUE 18:00 Combat Area Veronika Mercz 45 MINS
    WED 12:45 Combat Area Paul Bossman 45 MINS
    FRI 18:30 Combat Area Veronika Mercz 45 MINS

    Ladies and gentlemen, the main attraction! Seconds out, round one. The gloves are on and London's pros are primed to pass on all the tips and techniques you need to come out swinging. A boxing technique focused class expect drill on and off the bag, suitable for mixed levels. BYO Boxing gloves/bag mitts.

    SUN 11:00 Combat Area Nicholas Stafford-Deitsch 60 MINS
    SUN 11:30 Combat Area Saj Imran 45 MINS
    MON 19:00 Combat Area Qaiys Hanif 60 MINS
    MON 19:00 Boxing Area Matteo Albanese 60 MINS
    MON 19:00 Combat Area Pablo Benn 60 MINS
    TUE 07:15 Combat Area Abdul Yassine 60 MINS
    TUE 12:45 Boxing Area Solomon Wilson 45 MINS
    TUE 18:00 Boxing Area Simon Olaifa 60 MINS
    TUE 18:00 Combat Area Abdul Yassine 90 MINS
    TUE 18:15 Combat Area Nicholas Stafford-Deitsch 60 MINS
    WED 12:30 Combat Area Rakeem Noble 45 MINS
    WED 12:30 Combat Area Sabastian Cole 60 MINS
    WED 17:30 Boxing Area Solomon Wilson 60 MINS
    WED 18:00 Combat Area Pablo Benn 60 MINS
    WED 18:15 Combat Area Saj Imran 45 MINS
    WED 18:30 Combat Area Jordan Mcintosh 60 MINS
    WED 18:45 Combat Area Simon Olaifa 45 MINS
    WED 19:00 Combat Area Qaiys Hanif 90 MINS
    THU 07:15 Combat Area Solomon Wilson 45 MINS
    THU 12:30 Boxing Area Conrad Nicholaou 60 MINS
    THU 19:00 Combat Area Samir Bouamrane 45 MINS
    FRI 13:00 Combat Area Matteo Albanese 45 MINS
    FRI 18:30 Combat Area Ali Shadkam 60 MINS
    SAT 11:00 Combat Area Matteo Albanese 60 MINS
    SAT 11:30 Combat Area Solomon Wilson 60 MINS
    SAT 11:30 Combat Area Jason Mascall 60 MINS
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – No-Gi

    No-Gi is a controlled grappling class without the traditional uniform (Gi). Ideal for anyone looking to improve the take down and grappling element of their mixed martial art training.

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – No-Gi
    MON 18:00 Combat Area Luis Figueira 60 MINS
    TUE 18:00 Dojo Area James Bannister 60 MINS
    TUE 18:00 Dojo Area Cesar Lima 60 MINS
    WED 18:00 Dojo Area James Bannister 60 MINS
    THU 18:00 Combat Area Renato Gunther 60 MINS
    THU 18:00 Dojo Area Cesar Lima 45 MINS
    SAT 11:00 Dojo Area James Bannister 60 MINS
  • CounterPunch

    A 45 minute boxing workout combining guided heavy bag boxing routines with HIIT training. Whether you are looking to start your boxing journey or improve your cardiovascular fitness for the next bout in the ring, CounterPunch will take you through the basic boxing techniques while improving your overall fitness and muscle tone. Bring your own gloves.

    TUE 07:30 Combat Area Joachim Spiegel- Johnson 45 MINS
    TUE 18:00 Boxing Area Leander Rougier 45 MINS
    WED 19:00 Combat Area Saj Imran 45 MINS
    THU 18:00 Combat Area Paul Bossman 45 MINS
    FRI 12:15 Combat Area Paul Bossman 45 MINS
    FRI 13:00 Boxing Area Solomon Wilson 45 MINS

    Starting boxing from scratch? The gloves are on and London's pros are primed to pass on all the tips and techniques you need to come out swinging. Get to grips with the rules. Do your thing in the ring. Start your journey to every world title going. Ding, ding – ROUND ONE. BYO Boxing gloves/bag mitts.

    MON 18:00 Boxing Area Matteo Albanese 45 MINS
    MON 18:00 Combat Area Qaiys Hanif 60 MINS
    WED 17:30 Combat Area Jordan Mcintosh 45 MINS
    WED 18:45 Boxing Area Solomon Wilson 45 MINS
    FRI 12:15 Combat Area Richard Lee 45 MINS
    SAT 10:00 Combat Area Abdul Yassine 60 MINS
  • Muay Thai Rookie

    Muay, oh Muay. Don’t know your Ajarn from your elbow pad? This beginners class is definitely the one for you. Suitable for all levels and abilities, come grapple with the essential punches, kicks and strikes at a pace that suits you. BYO boxing gloves.

    Muay Thai Rookie
    MON 17:30 Combat Area Conrad Nicholaou 45 MINS
    TUE 17:30 Combat Area Richard Lee 60 MINS
    TUE 18:30 Combat Area Paul Bossman 60 MINS
    WED 19:00 Boxing Area Mostafa Rostampourdousr 45 MINS
    WED 19:00 Combat Area Ali Shadkam 60 MINS
    WED 19:45 Boxing Area Solomon Wilson 45 MINS
  • Muay Thai

    Looking to join a new boxing Kru? Say Sawa Dee to Muay Thai – high energy workout with all the sweatiness of those far Eastern shores. Pop on your pads and hop in the ring to work on defensive and offensive kicks, punches and clinches. It’s definitely not for wimps. BYO Boxing gloves/bag mitts.

    Muay Thai
    SUN 12:00 Combat Area Richard Lee 60 MINS
    MON 13:00 Boxing Area Mostafa Rostampourdousr 45 MINS
    MON 13:00 Combat Area Michael Pham 60 MINS
    MON 18:00 Combat Area Saj Imran 45 MINS
    MON 18:30 Combat Area Steven To 60 MINS
    MON 19:15 Combat Area Ali Shadkam 60 MINS
    TUE 18:30 Combat Area Andy Lam 60 MINS
    TUE 19:30 Combat Area Paul Bossman 60 MINS
    WED 12:15 Boxing Area Scott Dance 45 MINS
    WED 13:00 Combat Area Richard Lee 45 MINS
    WED 13:00 Boxing Area Steven To 45 MINS
    THU 18:00 Boxing Area Federico Loi 60 MINS
    THU 18:15 Combat Area Samir Bouamrane 45 MINS
    THU 18:45 Combat Area Michael Pham 60 MINS
    THU 19:00 Combat Area Paul Bossman 60 MINS
    THU 19:00 Combat Area Ahmad Shhadeh 60 MINS
    THU 19:30 Combat Area Jason Mascall 60 MINS
    FRI 12:00 Combat Area Daniel Terry 60 MINS
    FRI 18:00 Combat Area Richard Lee 60 MINS
    FRI 18:30 Boxing Area Steven To 60 MINS
    SAT 12:30 Combat Area Abdul Yassine 90 MINS
    SAT 12:30 Combat Area Ahmad Shhadeh 45 MINS
    SAT 13:00 Boxing Area Delphine Chen 60 MINS
  • Muay Thai Sparring

    Ready to unleash those Muay Thai techniques you've been learning? Welcome to the class where the more intermediate/advanced warriors can crack out their combos for expert sparring: from counters, defence, fakes and attacks to epic takedowns. BYO: Boxing gloves, hand wraps, head guard, shin guards and mouth shield.

    Muay Thai Sparring
    MON 17:45 Boxing Area Andy Lam 90 MINS
  • Muay Thai & Sparring

    Ready to grapple with those mad Muay Thai skills yiou've been learning? Expect to be expertly guided through every technique and combo you need in a sparring session: from counterts, defence, fakes and attacks to full-blown competition training. BYO: Boxing gloves, hand wraps, head guard, shin guards and mouth shield.

    Muay Thai & Sparring
    SUN 13:00 Combat Area Amro Ghanem Ali 120 MINS
    TUE 18:45 Combat Area Samir Bouamrane 90 MINS
    TUE 19:00 Combat Area Amro Ghanem Ali 120 MINS
    TUE 19:00 Boxing Area Steven To 60 MINS
    THU 19:00 Boxing Area Matt Tieu 60 MINS
    THU 19:00 Combat Area Daniel Terry 90 MINS
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